Published by Christian Alternatives in the Quaker Quicks series. Available from booksellers, price £8.99
A Quaker Perspective
John Lampen and Diana Lampen
What do Quakers have to offer when there is pain and distress in body, mind and spirit? Can their beliefs and worship help in the processes of healing? We try to answer these questions, drawing on our experiences of caring for troubled people and working in places of conflict, as well as our long Quaker membership. The book contains practices for its readers to use.
Hester and Sophie costs £7.50 plus £3.00 postage. To buy it, please email:
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A Letter from James
Essays in Quaker History by John Lampen
with an introduction by Roy Stephenson
George Fox as a healer • John Woolman’s dreams • The witness of Job Scott The Grimké sisters • Speaking Truth to Power from the 18th to 20th century Tolstoy’s last novel • Quaker Education in the 20th century • James Nayler’s Epistle XI
This book can be downloaded in three formats, all with interactive footnotes. Each of them is free of charge. There are no printed copies for individual readers, though a few Quaker libraries have them. But you can print the book, or any section of it, from the .pdf version. Click on the underlined title in one of the boxes below. If you also need the references for a particular section, you will find them at the end of the book; you can print out the ones you need.
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Other books by Diana and John, published by Quaker Books:
Facing Death by Diana Lampen. (Out of print, but available in many Quaker meeting libraries.)
The Peace Kit by John Lampen, for young people aged 10 to 15.
The Worship Kit by John Lampen, for young people aged 10 to 15.
Mending Hurts: the 1987 Swarthmore Lecture by John Lampen
Twenty Questions about Jesus by John Lampen.
Available from The Quaker Centre, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Pendle Hill Pamphlets by John:
Findings: Poets and the crisis of faith
Answering the Violence: dialogue with perpetrators
Making a Portrait of Jesus.
$7.50 each from Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Lane, Wallingford PA-19086, USA.